Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day #32

Day 32! So I woke up around 8:00am and looked out my window to see rain, and lots of it. Not a good start. I did the usual and went downstairs to get my cup of instant coffee. From there I met Scotline Tours once again at 9:30am for my day tour to St. Andrew's. By this time the rain had stopped so I was pretty excited, but it was still extremely cloudy out. We drove for about an hour and a half - over the Forth Bridge and into the Kingdom of Fife and along the coast. Our first stop was in a small coastal town called Anstruther. When we got off the bus it was FREEZNG cold, windy, and rainy - and I was in shorts. It felt like winter for sure. So I barely survived the 25 minutes we had off the bus by walking around and taking some pictures. Once we got back on the bus we continued on up to St. Andrew's which took about 20 more minutes. When we got off the bus again it was still raining, but not quite as cold, but that could have just been because I added another layer of clothing. I was surprised when it looked to be a very rainy day because I checked last night and it said there was an 80 percent chance of heavy rain for today. If you are wondering why I was surprised that it was raining even though said so, it is because so far on my trip, what ever has said, the weather has been the exact opposite. So that's why I was a bit surprised that the rain wasn't going away. Nevertheless, I had to go out and see St. Andrew's. I was prepared as always so I had my rain jacket and umbrella at the ready. The first place I stopped at was the ruins of St. Andrew's Cathedral where it should have cost me 5 pounds to go in, but no one was at the gate so I just walked right in. So I was walking around the graveyard and ruined cathedral taking some pictures, then, from no where, there was blue sky, and the pouring rain just stopped - just like that - and that was the last of the rain for the rest of the day. After the cathedral I walked down to the other side of the city to the famous St. Andrew's Old Course - the oldest golf course in the world. By now the sun was out and shining so I was in a very good mood. I got a bunch of pictures of the course including the famous bridge on the 18th fairway. After leaving the old course I walked over to the beach and walked around there for a bit and got more pictures. Then I decided I wanted to see the Old Course some more - so I did. After that I walked up to St. Andrew's Castle and got a good look at it before moving on the get some lunch at a little sandwich shop. Once I finished lunch it was time to hop back on the coach bus and head back to Edinburgh. We made our way back and after crossing the Forth Bridge we stopped real quick in South Queensferry - again. But it was nice because we got to go more into the town part of it this time. Eventually we made it back to Edinburgh at the Waverley Bridge drop off point. From there I went back to my hostel and relaxed for a bit before heading back out to get some McDonald's for dinner. When I got back I took a shower, and made my way to my wifi spot where I am now. Another nice day in Scotland! I meet up for my 5 day tour of the Highlands and Skye tomorrow...exciting! See ya!

The small coastal village of Anstruther

Me at the ruins of St. Andrew's Cathedral in the pouring rain and cold

And moments later...clear skies!!!

Market St. in St. Andrew's

Me on the famous Swilcan Bridge on the 18th fairway

Old Course with the Old Course Hotel in the background

Hole #2

Scottish Flag

St. Andrew's Beach

Me and the beach at St. Andrew's

St. Andrew's Castle

South Queensferry

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least you can always count on to be wrong.

    Glad you had a good day. Have fun on your tour!
