Wednesday, July 15, 2009

day 20

day 20! - just over the halfway point - but still a long ways to go. today was a really good day overall cuz we got to see a lot and the weather was terrific. we began by leaving derry and heading east along the north coast. our first stop was at the ruins of dunluce castle where we made a quick photo stop. from there we moved further along the coast to the carrick-a-rede rope bridge. when we got there we had to take about a 15 minute walk along the coast to get to the bridge where we crossed it and went out to the very tip of the coast. after another 15 minute walk back to the coach we moved on. on our way to the giants causeway our guide told us the story about how it got its name, and when we finally got there we had to make another 15 minute was to get there. once we did, it was really cool. i took about 50 pictures and had a good time climbing the stones. i then made my way back up the hill and got a sandwich for lunch. once we met back at the coach we continued on to belfast, where i guide drove around and showed us various places like the docks where titanic was built, before eventually making it to our hostel. after arriving in the hostel we made a grocery run to tesco where i got a cook pizza to cook up for dinner, anddd that was about it for the day. it was a good one!

me and dunluce castle

north coast of ireland

north coast of ireland again

the carrick-a-rede rope bridge (and some random lady standing on it)

me and the giants causeway

giants causeway

giants causeway again

the irish coast


  1. Hey, that first picture looks like you "photo shopped" yourself into it. Are you really in Ireland??? Your pixs are beautiful...keep up the good work and enjoy :) Love ya ...MOM

  2. I'm glad the weather is good again.

    Go see Harry Potter!!
