Friday, July 17, 2009

day 22

Man the days just keep flying by. Today was another nice relaxing day. I got some really good sleep at the hostel in derry, and had a cup of coffee after I got up. After we left we did a good bit of driving towards the west coast and into the county of Sligo. We made a quick stop at a graveyard to see the grave of W.B. Yeats – a famous Irish poet before making our way to the beach town called Strandhill. The town was really nice and the weather was great once again. They had some good sized sand dunes that I climbed up and had a great view over the atlantic ocean, and got a bunch of pictures. After climbing back down the dunes I went to a pub for lunch and got some bread and soup. After getting back on the bus, we started heading towards our final stop for the night in a small fishing town called Cong. Along the way we stopped at a town called Knock which was a very strange place. Apparently someone saw an angel near this wall somewhere in the city, and the Pope visited it, and it became a very important religious place for Irish people to visit. I found it pretty strange. They were selling holy water and stuff, but we didn’t stay there for too long. After we left Knock we made a quick stop at Tesco to pick up some food for our taco night tonight at the hostel. We eventually made it to the hostel, and it is about a mile out of the town which is really small to begin with, so we are pretty isolated here – but its nice. All that’s planned for tonight is to make our tacos, and then walk into the town and see what there is to do there. Enjoy the pictures!

me and the beach in strandhill

the beach in strandhill

west coast of ireland

more from the sand dunes in strandhill

me and the coast in strandhill

hill near strandhill beach

weird wall in Knock where there was supposedly an angel sighting

rainbow (but no pot of gold)

the small town of cong where we stayed the night

group photo from the 5 day wales tour that i just got via email

video from atop the sand dunes in strandhill

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