Sunday, July 19, 2009

day 25

Day 25! I woke up from the hostel in Anascaul around 8:30am and made myself some instant coffee (bleh). When our coach picked us up we made a short drive to the Dingle Peninsula. We spent most of the day just stopping at various points throughout the peninsula. One in particular was amazing. There was a large rock formation that I climbed up on and got some great views (as you will see in the video I have posted further down). Also, when we woke up it was raining, but by the time we reached the peninsula most of the clods had cleared and it turned into a really nice day. After driving around the peninsula for a few hours we made our way to the town of Dingle on the peninsula. It was a really nice town filled with a bunch of restaurants and pubs (the town is actually in the Guinness book of world records for having the highest pub to traffic light ratio of any town in the world – the ratio is 52:0). For lunch I got a really good bowl of seafood chowder along with some chips (French fries). From Dingle we left to make our way to our final stop of the day in Killarney. Along the way there, me and a few other Americans had a fun conversation with the Australians about the pronunciation of certain words (especially the word aluminum, which for some reason they pronounce it like ah-loo-min-ee-um). Once we got to Killarney we checked into our hostel and I have no luck since I am stuck with Snorway once again (for two nights too since we will be staying in the same hostel for 2 nights). After checking in I took out my computer and decided to type my blog. So after this gets posted I will be taking a shower and then going on a walk around Killarney and find a place to eat. The end.

dingle peninsula

me in front of our coach bus

me on some rocks (my eyes are closed)

dingle peninsula

me at the tip of the dingle peninsula (my eyes are closed again)

a street in the town of dingle

video atop some rocks on the Dingle Peninsula

1 comment:

  1. So it was 2 am when you messaged me...
    But, nevertheless, probably an effective way to get ahold of me :)

    Next time.

    And I'll bet you'll be glad when you're back an can make real coffee.
