Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 38!

And there goes the last day of my trip! Today was nice and relaxing for the most part. I started by going downstairs and getting my usual cup of instant coffee while checking the Dodger results - another win yesterday! It was raining when I woke up, so I decided to wait a bit before I went up to Edinburgh Castle, so I went and saw Harry Potter instead. It was pretty good, but I think it could have been better (I really don't like Michael Gambon as Dumbledore - at all). So after seeing the movie I headed up to McDonald's for some lunch, and from there I continued on up to Edinburgh Castle. I spent a good bit of time in the castle seeing as much as I could. From great views over to city, to the Honours of Scotland I saw pretty much everything. I even went down into the dungeons and saw where they kept their prisoners. It is a huge castle so it took me quite a while to see everything, but it was worth it. I also learned a lot about the history of the castle and the city as well. After leaving the castle I did some quick souvenir shopping on the Royal Mile, and then made my way back to my hostel. Once I got there I took a nice nap, and then finished watching The Da Vinci Code movie which I started yesterday. After the movie I took a quick shower, cooked up some pot noodles for dinner, and then made my way down to my wifi spot where I am currently typing up my blog, and following the Dodger game. And that is it pretty much. There's not much left to go as far as my trip is concerned. My flight leaves Edinburgh airport at 10:55am tomorrow morning, and then I have a 2 hour layover at JKF Airport in New York before finally making it back to LA sometime around 7:30pm (3:30am Scotland time). Then I can finally sleep in my own bed without having to worry about any Snorway's or loud people coming in late at night. I think I am going to type up another quick blog once I get back home tomorrow night to cap it all off. See Ya!

The view of the city from Edinburgh Castle

Me and Edinburgh from the Castle

The Royal Palace (where the Honours of Scotland are - aka The Crown Jewels)

The upper castle yard

The Entrance to Edinburgh Castle

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